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11th LION (Live International Otolaryngology Network) 2016

10 May, 2016

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Grace Medical, US was together with others, one of the sponsors of this state-of-the-art event. Top Otologists from all over Europe, Dubai and Brazil performed Live surgery, moderated and shared their experiences to over 6000 ENT Doctors around the world. Among other things Dr Robert Vincent from the Causse clinic in France used the “Vincent ALTO” middle ear prosthesis developed for him by Grace Medical and the neoV980 diod laser from neoLaser, Israel which he is evaluating presently for Stapedotomy procedures.

If there’s one event per year you don’t want to miss, it’s this one. Fantastic!

The aim of the LION is to create a permanent interactive worldwide high speed network for Continuing Education in Otolaryngology and to promote distance learning using modern videoconferencing technologies. The annual program offers participants around the world direct and interactive access to international experts in the various fields of Otolaryngology. The program is currently focused on Otology-Neurotology.

For more info see: