Medica 2015, Düsseldorf
18 Nov, 2015 Very successful activity. 27 interactions with present and potentially new distributors of Grace Medical and neoLaser plus other business contacts. Great place to interact and find partners on new markets.
By Joakim
18 Nov, 2015 Very successful activity. 27 interactions with present and potentially new distributors of Grace Medical and neoLaser plus other business contacts. Great place to interact and find partners on new markets.
By Joakim
9 Nov, 2015 Three consecutive congresses in a row with very useful and fruitful interactions. A lot of opportunities for all my partners.
By Joakim
12 Oct, 2015 Another very busy meeting for PROG Medtech and Pouret Medical, the French distributor for Grace Medical. New great animations explain the core products. Attendees from many French speaking parts of the world including Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec and many African countries. And the Tartare was delicious as always.
By Joakim
29 Sep, 2015 It was a tremendous meeting, with outstanding booth traffic and interest in the Grace Medical products. Including the pre-launch of the DragonFly Microdrill which is a game changer, a complete paradigm shift in the market. Creative and good interactions with the European distributors that were present, quite a few European doctors and […]
By Joakim
8 July, 2015 Last event before the vacation with 1200 Medical Professional (of which approx 200 from other countires than UK). The forefront of ENT medical technology innovation was presented by many exhibitors. Good interaction with users as well as the business people in the UNESCO maritime heritage docks and quays area of Liverpool. Home […]
By Joakim
25 June, 2015 Outstanding and top notch quality 17th International Otology course performed by Dr Vincent et al in Colombiers, France. Extremely skilled surgeouns did live surgery and lectured in the Causse clinic and its beautiful environment. State-of-the-art level and great interactions with speakers and attendees from all around the world. And it doesn’t hurt […]
By Joakim
18 June, 2015 Another successful event at the 12th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implants Exhibition in Toulouse – The Pink City. A lot of opportunities for Grace Medical and neoLaser in Central and Eastern Europe. And for once: Great Exhibition Lunch!
By Joakim
9 June, 2015 Wow! PROG MEDTECH held 53 meetings in 3 days at the 3d CEORL-HNS in Prague. It took place in the former Czech Communist Party building which now is turned into a Congress center with SPECTACULAR views over one of the most beautiful cities in the world (and for sure with great Pilsner).
By Joakim
29 May, 2015 Exhibited for Grace Medical and interacted with local and international KOL’s from Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia, Belgium and Brazil. Also good talks with both old and new contacts from the Medtech industry including first possibilities for neoLaser.
By Joakim
21 May, 2015 In the brand new and beautiful facilities of Aula Medica in the Karolinska Institute, the Swedish ENT meeting took place. Good interaction with both old and future partners-to-be.